Saturday, March 3, 2012

independent study work. 03/02/2012

                                    I was inspired to take this photo because I really
                              wanted a picture of the icicles.. There was a BILLION
                              on our car.

independent study work. 03/01/2012

                                                I was inspired to take this photo because I wanted
                                                to see the birds take off in flight.
                                                I think I captured them rather well.

independent study work. 02/29/2012

I was inspired to take this photo because me and
my sister really loved that dog.
I love how this is the perfect movement photo.

independent study work. 02/28/2012

I was inspired to take this photo because of the beautiful 
colors in the Tahoe sunset.
I even like how the person looks, just sitting on
the dock.

independent study work. 02/27/2012

I was inspired to take this picture because I 
wanted a photo of snow falling.
I also thought the shack next to the tree
looked really pretty.